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                                 You are Somewhat Blessed by God!

Your survey score indicates that you have received some blessings from God.  
But- many more blessings are available to you, if you try!  Do you still sin

frequently?   Do you treat some people in evil ways instead of treating them as

God's loving creations?  Naturally, you are also a sinner if you commit many other actions that God disapproves of, namely, theft, murder, adultery, and all the rest

of the 10 Commandments!  So, you must get closer to God!

As a sinner, you will NEVER enter heaven to experience eternal life and joy

with God!  You will miss being with Jesus and the good angels of God, the saints

who began the church of God and Jesus, loved ones of yours who are already in heaven, etc.   Instead, you'll endure everlasting pain and suffering!  Why would you want that?  Remember, your life on earth is limited and can end in the blink of

an eye.  But Heaven is forever!

Maybe you are only partly blessed by God because you don’t fully accept His existence.  What more proof do you need?  God is known as the Creator!

He created the earth, the sun, moon, stars, oceans, mountains, animals,
rain, flowers, etc., and most of all-YOU.  Did you ever consider that the sun is
located in the sky at just the perfect position to give us light during the day and
enough heat for us to be warm, but not too close, which would burn us up?
How about the moon?  If it were further away, our nights would be totally black!!
Are these accidents or the work of a GREAT CREATOR who loves His people and wants them to enjoy their lives?

Maybe you should reconsider your beliefs about God and Jesus and allow 
yourself the possibility of eternal life with Him and Jesus!!  Attend a worship
service, talk to a friend who is a believer in God and learn why they believe.
Read the ancient history of the Jews, who have believed in God for
thousands of years!!  Start reading a Bible.

Come to God and Jesus in any way you want, but COME!  It’s your eternal life!!

jesusnsermon on the mount

Sermon on the Mount

Let others pray for you


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